Raw nuts truffles

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Raw nuts truffles on the table

These are super easy, all goodness, raw treats. Ivory golden color and marzipan like texture and flavor.


1/2 cup, 60g raw cashew nuts or pine nuts
1 cup, 85g ground almonds (almond meal)
1/2 cup, 40g desiccated coconut
1/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup raw honey or maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract


Place the cashews (or pine nuts) in a food processor container and, using the metal blade, pulverize to a fine meal. Be carful not to over work the nuts so that the fat is being separated.
Add the rest of the ingredients and process, in short pulses, only until the mixture is unified and sticky.
Roll to a pecan size balls and keep in an air tight container in the fridge.

Tip1: no time to roll? No problem! Flatten the mixture in a shallow square dish lined with baking parchment, refrigerate and then cut into small square or diamond shapes. Tip2: you can add 1-2 tbsp raw cacao powder for a chocolaty version or 1/2 tsp of speculaas (or pumpkin pie) spice mix for a spicy version. Tip 3: roll the balls in some ground almonds or desiccated coconut
about me
Picture of Galit Hahn

Galit Hahn

Certified natural nutritionist

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