Time to relax! My top five tips for de-stressing during summer holiday.

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I believe that for most of us one of the main goals for summer holiday is to relax and de-stress. Summer is the time for long holidays, to let go and take time to relax. Unfortunately, very often this is not what happens. Preparing for holiday and even the holiday itself turns out to be another pile of stress.

If this is something you have experienced before, keep reading. I will share with you my (hard earned) experience of how to plan and achieve a real stress-free holiday, get that relaxation you need, regardless your destination or even a stay home holiday.

  1. Like with everything else, it all starts with intentions. Make it clear to yourself what is it that you need in order to relax and plan accordingly. Maybe 5 big cities in 7 days is not exactly that chill holiday you need.
  2. Mark stressful triggers and form a strategy to avoid them. Perhaps meeting your boss or annoying uncle in the middle of your holiday can be politely avoided. Make conscious decisions.  
  3. Make an action plan with time frames for preparing to go on holiday. To do lists, packing lists, tasks to finish, delegating tasks etc. help get clarity and get things done. Marking items on the list as done feels good and contribute a lot to the task of de-stressing.
  4. Choose the right people to go (or not to go) on holiday with. Obviously not always you have options (can’t leave the kids behind…) so have an open conversation with your holiday party about needs and expectations. This way everyone’s needs can be taken in consideration and planning. Maybe you don’t have to be and do everything together all the time, if you level your expectations, you can prevent disappointments and stress during your holiday together.
  5. Money and holiday budget are often a source of stress and discomfort during holiday. Also with this planning ahead of time, communicating clearly with your travel company will make things easy and stress free later.

To round things off, you can go on a holiday but you can take the stress with you as well. A clear mindset, good communication and action plan will help you get ready and to enjoy a well deserved rest.

Even if you stay at home there are many things you can do to disconnect from daily routine that will help you de-stress: get off social media and news, find time for socialising and spend time with dear ones, connect to nature- go on walks or just a picnic in the park nearby, find time for quality me-time, plan fun activities with kids, diving into a good book etc. understand what works best for you and just go for it.

My tips for healthy eating during holiday are as relevant as always so if you need a reminder, you can read it here.

Wishing you all a wonderful and relaxing holiday!


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Picture of Galit Hahn

Galit Hahn

Certified natural nutritionist

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